Waiting for Eternity

The lights are rushing, the white ones are swaying,

back and forth, flickering on the windows

bindings, looking languid

through the eyes of a freshly cut chicken...

Why did you leave?

I was disgusted by that reality

that I saw, people and what...

Everything around, everything that was like

into the sea, dirty and unnecessary,

tattered and broken and... Her hands

suddenly stretched out and she became

like a bird, turned into a white spot

jumped out of the window frame, and there she flapped her wings and flew away

Into the distant clouds...

Spots float across green meadows

Turning the living into ashes...

And the spots floated across the face of the sleeping woman and formed pits and wrinkles,

aged, locked there in the shadows that cannot show reality to another creature.

The anticipation ticks, endlessly along the highway, orange cars rush by, one-sided and

impersonal, and he clenches his hands like a demon, white as snow against the dark

background of the lamb decorating him. Disobedient blue eyes, large fish, look at you, he

covers them with long algae eyelashes, stretches out and places his two thin legs with his

hooves on the handrail, darkening in the counting silence. The girl hugged her face and fell

asleep with a blue inflatable pillow on her lap. The doors slam, again and again, louder and

louder... The stains on the glass flow down like frozen rain and it seems that there is a whole

cosmos around you that you cannot comprehend.

And until darkness comes, I must

there will still be dawn.

Green scarf with eternal flowers,

paint your past with happiness

So as not to remember....

Small numbers flash when cold

screen, crossing with letters,

It’s like there’s a fight going on

With that invisible that is unattainable

Scarlet juice flows down the lips...

light on dark and someone’s

breathing, tinkling...

The demon froze in the pose of a sleeping miser.

And the fact that he never loved anyone,

couldn’t and didn’t want to...

Turned into a star...

Irina Tall Novikova

Irina Tall (Novikova) is an artist, graphic artist, illustrator. She graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Cultures with a degree in art, and also has a bachelor's degree in design.The first personal exhibition "My soul is like a wild hawk" (2002) was held in the museum of Maxim Bagdanovich. In her works, she raises themes of ecology, in 2005 she devoted a series of works to the Chernobyl disaster, draws on anti-war topics. The first big series she drew was The Red Book, dedicated to rare and endangered species of animals and birds. Writes fairy tales and poems, illustrates short stories. She draws various fantastic creatures: unicorns, animals with human faces, she especially likes the image of a man - a bird - Siren. In 2020, she took part in Poznań Art Week. Her work has been published in magazines: Gupsophila, Harpy Hybrid Review, Little Literary Living Room and others. In 2022, her short story was included in the collection "The 50 Best Short Stories", and her poem was published in the collection of poetry "The wonders of winter".


From Crisis to Confetti Cake: The Journey After Attempting to End it All


An Apartment Called Death