
There was once a girl with a snake in her house

She’d lived with it all of her life

She used to talk about it but it was just met with

confusion and concern

She never got why, she was just trying to make


She doesn’t talk about it much anymore

A devilish smile crept onto his face

Venom laced honey

dripped from his pearly fangs

She never knew how he could tear her apart

Taking it all that she was until there was nothing left but

skin and bones

Then ask her the next morning how she slept

Was his voice not sore picking at her flaws

Yelling until his face burnt red

He wraps his body around her

It is cold, empty

Half-hearted apologies spill out

He does not mean it

Some days he is not cruel

His eyes are warm

His words are kind

She wants to stay here

Stay in his arms

Stay where the snake cannot get them

She feels safe

Foolishly, she trusts that maybe he can stay this way

But it never does

He always comes back

He always opens another bottle

He always gets angry again

The soft glow of his tv illuminates his salt and pepper

hair and hazel green eyes

He gives a small smile with lips that have broken her

heart so many times before

He offers her a spot next to him and she takes it

The smell of wine hangs still in the air

She knows he just emptied the bottle

But right now he is not angry

Right now there is not a snake in her house

No animal

Just a man

Claire Warner

Claire Warner, class of ‘25 at Piedmont High School, is from Piedmont, CA. Claire is a member of her high school’s creative writing club and enjoys writing poetry. In her free time, Claire enjoys baking, pottery, art, and volunteering. You can find her on Instagram @clairewarner75.




Colorado Night