Gratitude’s Key

Gratitude’s Key,

worn around the neck

and carried by a small thread,

Its weight shifted by the mind of its Keeper.

Gratitude’s Key is always worn,

But the Wearer may forget of its wearing—

for its weight is easy to shift,

like an unattended Scale.

Gratitude’s Key may sit under many clothing layers,

lavish fabrics or simple cloths—

But whether the Wearer is decked in luxury or modesty,

They are left to Balance the Scales.

Sarah Sullivan

Sarah Sullivan, class of ‘25 at Piedmont High School, is from Piedmont, California. Sarah is a member of her high school’s creative writing club and the Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir. In her free time, Sarah enjoys baking, singing, and reading. You can find her on Instagram @_sarah_sully_.




Childhood Scene