
— to JS, ED, MD, SY, OW, & TSE

Penelope pulls apart her father

-in-law’s funeral shroud 

faster than she weaves it. This is how I want 

to write stories, but 

years calcify into exhaustion, epigrams.

November weather, already petrified

by July. I put the preface to The Picture 

of Dorian Gray between my teeth & make it 

chewing gum to stick under the picnic table. 

Watermelon rinds

on a shifting plate.

Palatable irony. How would a cow thank me

for being vegetarian? Art is a predisposition 

towards poets who don’t write 

about how it’s a pity to love 

me & never say it quite right.

Oscar Wilde preaches

to admire useless things 

& never look over my shoulder. I used to  

be Orpheus. Faithless, limbs 

cobbled together,

overeducated, overdressed 

in black & white so I’m not mistaken 

for a gray area. Put the novelist in her place.

Mature poets steal. I owe 

the world more than picking at scabs.

Amelia Nason

Amelia Nason (Portland, OR) currently attends George Washington University in Washington DC. Amelia is a next-generation Indie Award finalist, and Scholastic Award winner. She is also an alumna of the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio, Interlochen, Fir Acres, and New York Times summer writing programs. Amelia’s work is featured in the Ice Lolly Review, Full Mood Magazine, Hand Picked Poetry, Eunoia Review, the Lunar Journal, Diet Water Magazine, Healthline, The Aurora Journal, & The Origami Review. Her debut chapterbook, poems i shouldn’t have written, is out now with Bottlecap Press. When she isn’t writing, Amelia fences competitively. You can find her on twitter @amelia_emn.



